Saturday, September 8, 2007

God is so Good!!!

Yeah! Thank you Lord for good health… my good health and my precious P’s good health. We both felt well enough to make the 1 hour trip to attend my niece’s Grandparents Day Luncheon. My niece was so happy and so cute – 2nd graders are just the best! The 4 hour excursion was well worth it. I forgot my camera at home after taking photos of P’s parents leaving early Friday morning for Mexico, but my sister took photos with her camera. As soon as she emails me a couple of pics, I’ll post them.

My hubby arrived home safe and sound yesterday evening in time to take P and me out to dinner at one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants. He was ready for Tex-Mex after being up north for the week. P and Papa got to hang out this morning while I went to church for a Women’s Ministry Fall Kick-off Luncheon. I volunteered to decorate one of the 15 tables with some of our Russian items and had to be there at 9am. We had a special guest speaker, Carrie McDonnall who has written a new book about her mission experiences in the Middle East. Her book title is "FACING TERROR" -The story of how love for the Muslim people cost an American couple the ultimate price. My favorite Bible teacher, Beth Moore wrote the forward for the book. Carrie has a compelling testimony and is still praising our Lord even after losing her husband and enduring years of physical pain and surgeries from her own injuries after they were attacked in Iraq while they were ministering there. Carrie’s testimony was very encouraging and uplifting; she was a huge blessing to the 120 of us today.

Dear Lord, please bless my sister, Carrie McDonnall and the new ministry, 'Carrie On' that you have given to her. Bless her with continued encouragement, with strength and health and with your joy and hope. Amen.

My hubby has started cooking our dinner so I need to go be his sous-chef; I mostly clean up around him (he's a great, but messy cook).

Have a blessed weekend!

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