Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Terrific Tuesday - a Beautiful Sunny Day

Today is a beautifully sunny, chilly day. The weather report says today is the last day our temperature will be above freezing for several upcoming days. An Arctic Blast is on it's way across 2/3 of the country. So, we better get those errands done and fill up the gas tanks today.

This morning was interrupted at 8 AM with a phone call from my ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat Dr) allergy tech; she informed me that there had been a cancellation and asked if I could come in early at 10 AM for allergy testing instead of at 1 PM as previously scheduled. I was enjoying a cup of tea with my wet hair still up in a towel, but responded, "Yes, of course!" Who wouldn't want to get things done 3 hours early?  So, what I found out is this - if it grows &/or molds in North Texas, I am allergic to it!  And I currently have some major red, inflamed reactions on both upper arms. Uggghhhhhh.... this is not fun; not fun at all ;={  Good new is that the CT Scan revealed no sinus structural problems, so surgery is not needed to combat my recurring sinus infections. The doctor says, Allergy Immunotherapy is the recommended treatment for me, so I'm researching the new Sublingual Immunotherapy that is used daily at home instead of weekly injections at the doctor's office. Of course, there's always a catch. Sublingual Treatment is very expensive and it hasn't yet been approved as a home treatment for allergies here in the US (even though it is widely used across Europe & Canada), so this form of allergy treatment is not normally covered by medical insurance. The doctor's office is contacting my personal insurance company to learn what sort of coverage I will have if I choose the sublingual immunotherapy. So, in the meantime I'm off to the drugstore for some cortisone cream hoping to get these quarter sized red welps to settle down a bit... yes, I'm already taking 2 Benadryl tablets every 4 hours.

Make today, January 5, 2010 a good day for yourself and for those God has placed in your life; after all, it's a brand new year - let's make it a good one.


  1. Sublingual immunotherapy is not necessarily expensive. Also remember that the FDA is a government office that already approves using antigens in injections and risking severe reactions including death. Physicians who give allergy shots do not need FDA approval to provide the same antigens via a less invasive method with far less risk and excellent efficacy. Look at our patient-focused website and best of luck.

  2. In support of Neutralizing the Progression of Child ALLERGY MARCH to possibly allergic ASTHMA...

    Via ANY U.S.A. Primary Care Dr. > DropYourAllergies.com > Offers the fisrt 6 Months of Custom Formulated immuno-Allergy DROPs FREE !

    > Following a DropYourAllergies.com > Allergy Blood Trest for the most common Seasonal & Year-round Allergens specific to YOUR U.S.A. Geo-Region.

    Best Health = Wealth Regards for 2010


    PS > ANY U.S.A. Dr. can order an allergy Blood Test & Prescribe your Custom Immuno-Allergy DROPs.
